Visitors at Star Mountain Kennel
This weekend we had several visitors besides our family for Thanksgiving Dinner. We had heard reports of the wildlife around but had not seen any for ourselves, until now.
I’m not sure if the recent snow drove them out of their usual hiding spots but we saw several foxes in the dog’s play area.
We also saw several deer taking a stroll around the property. Back and forth around the pasture and play yard.
The most exciting visitor was the Bald Eagle. As we finished feeding the dogs on Friday morning, we spotted a bald eagle gliding several feet from us. We are so lucky to live where we do and spot these marvelous creatures. The pups on the other hand disagree. They do not like “trespassers” no matter how cute, graceful or rare. Most of the photos on the site I take myself, however, I missed all the shots this weekend. These photos came from the internet. As I wrote this, we could hear a coyote howl.