TeamPodengo StarMountainKennel Portuguese Podengo Pequeno TeamPodengo StarMountainKennel Portuguese Podengo Pequeno TeamPodengo StarMountainKennel Portuguese Podengo Pequeno TeamPodengo StarMountainKennel Portuguese Podengo Pequeno...
Portuguese Podengo Pequeno – Happy, Healthy, Hardy Dogs Bred For Form And Function™ – Star Mountain Kennel Portuguese Podengo Pequeno...
Around January 2018 we realized we had a streak going. I started keeping track monthly of the Kennel’s successes. I...
Currently he is the number 3 Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Limited showing in 2017 He is an AKC BRONZE Grand Champion as well as...
I can’t guarantee that we will be on the live television coverage but it is exciting to think we might....
Friday I left the United States to travel to Finland for a very special mission. I am purchasing and bringing...
The Estrela Mountain Dog, or Cão da Serra de Estrela, is a molosser-type dog that might have arrived in Portugal...