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Tag Archives: Portuguese Podengo Pequenos

  • Some random pictures to make you smile

    Here in Connecticut it is snowing! Actually, we are calling it a blizzard. All the dogs are inside, warm and comfy. Later if it slows down we will go out and take pictures. In the meantime, I thought some pictures of another storm would make you smile. Can you tell Val, the mother from her…

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  • Some Westminster Stats…..

    Entries by state: Alaska 3, Alabama 16, Arkansas 5, Arizona 24, California 219, Colorado 37, Connecticut 116, Delaware 13, Florida 118, Georgia 54, Hawaii 11, Idaho 9, Illinois 65, Indiana 41, Iowa 9, Kansas 9, Kentucky 26, Louisiana 24, Maine 7, Maryland 79, Massachusetts 102, Michigan 82, Minnesota 40, Mississippi 6, Missouri 28, Montana 3,…

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  • Podengo Pequeno Champions at Morris and Essex

    The biggest dog show of the year is coming up for the Podengo Pequenos and all dog fanciers.  The Morris and Essex is a very special dog show.   M&E is only held once every five years and team Podengo is really excited about attending. Since, Podengo Pequenos got accepted into the AKC in 2012 and…

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