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Snow Days at Star Mountain Kennel

Snow days are wonderful, but it is extremely cold here today even for New England.  I get to enjoy staying warm, catching up on inside things like the website and paperwork, while the wind chills outside drop to -20˚ F.  The Estrelas, on the other hand, don’t seem to mind this weather at all, even today when the wind is whipping around.  Our Estrela Mountain Dogs have played in the snow and are now cozy and warm. The other big dogs have had long romps in the snow and then rested by the fire. Only our little Portuguese Podengo Pequenos, Cabrita and Lisbon, have refused to participate – they have their bags packed and are begging for tickets to a warmer place! I keep telling them that Spring is only 34 days away, but with four feet of snow on the ground, it is hard to convince even myself of that!


Sancho, our Great Pyrenees, and Bruce working hard by a warm fire on a cold snowy day. (Well, one of them is working hard)


All the dogs like the cats even if the cats tend to tease them.


Bella, one of our Estrela Mountain Dogs, sleeping by the fire.