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Road Trip with the Podengos

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno

A friend of ours joined Jonathan and I on a road trip this weekend with the Podengos.   Our destination was a dog show in Pennsylvania.  We had a fun time and both Cabrita and David had great success in the ring.  This was little Lisbon’s first dog show and she did great.   I wasn’t sure what to expect for her first show but she pranced around the ring like she was the queen.

We enjoyed the show, we had fun and everyone did great.  Jonathan showed in Juniors with David.   He ended out winning Best of Breed on Sunday with Cabrita.  Hooray for Jonathan and his little Podengo! !  They are getting good at this.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno

At the show with the Podengo Pequeno Squad

It was a fun drive and sharing a hotel room with the Podengos was a blast. They loved it to say the least and got very comfortable.

Podengo Pequeno

Mom’s suitcase is the perfect place for an afternoon nap

While the girls napped in my suitcase, David sprawled on the bed with Jonathan. Podengo Pequenos are a really fun bred to have. Lovable and energetic. They are always up for an adventure. They took the long car ride like little champs. Not a whimper from them.

Here are some more pictures from the show.

Podengo Pequeno

Margaret and David

Podengo Pequeno

Podengo Pequeno bored? or just relaxed? at the dog show