Owning The Rare Breed
Owning Rare Dog Breeds
There is a thrill in owning a dog of a rare breed – excitement when people stop to ask you “what breed of dog is that?” When I introduce my Estrelas or Pequenos (‘pah-kenno’ – small), the usual answer is “How beautiful – I’ve never heard of them.” The Estrela Mountain Dog is a rare breed in the United States; I estimate there are approximately 250 of them in the U.S. currently. The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno was recently accepted into the American Kennel Club, and I estimate their numbers are higher but still under 1,000. In Portugal and throughout Europe, their numbers are considerably higher.Rare Dog Breeds Estrela Mountain Dog and Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
The Estrela Mountain Dog is recognized by the United Kennel Club, which describes the breed in this way: “The Estrela Mountain Dog is a large, powerful, athletic dog, strongly muscled with substantial bone. The body is short backed, and the head is in proportion to the size of the dog. The Estrela comes in two coat varieties and coat colors include shades of fawn, wolf gray and yellow, with or without brindling, white markings, shadings of black throughout the coat or a dark facial mask. Estrelas have uncropped, small, triangular rose ears. The thick tail hangs down when at rest and should have a natural “hook” resembling a scimitar.”
The Estrela Mountain Dog is one of the oldest breeds of dogs from the Iberian Peninsula. Estrela Mountain Dogs are devoted friends and protectors. This is a large dog with great agility to fight off large predators, bred to be a flock guard dog for sheep and goats but still be a family dog. Rare dog breeds
The Estrela temperament is loyal, affectionate to those he trusts, aloof, intelligent, alert, and inclined to be stubborn.
The Portuguese Podengo Pequenos are recognized by the United Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club. The AKC describes the Pequenos as the 166th most popular dog breed in the United States. They describe them as charming, lively and playful. “Lively, alert, playful; charming and well mannered around the house.”Rare Dog Breeds Estrela Mountain Dog and Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
Owning a rare dog is exciting. The Estrelas size may be off-putting to some until they see how gentle these dogs are. Do your homework and research a breed before purchasing. The Estrela Mountain Dog is not for everyone. They can be stubborn and since they are a large powerful dog they need training and discipline. The Podengo Pequeno can be barky and bossy. They love to run and have a high energy level. They do love to snuggle, though.Rare Dog Breeds Estrela Mountain Dog and Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
Estrelas and Pequenos are rare but you will not be alone owning one. The EMDAA (Estrela Mountain Dog Association of America) is a club for Estrela owners. The PPCA (Portuguese Podengo Club of America) is a club for Podengo owners, all sizes. Personally, my Facebook “friend’s list” is full of Estrela and Podengo owners in both America and across the world. I also belong to groups to learn more about livestock guardian dogs or hounds. The internet makes the world so small. Having both of these resources is extremely helpful when owning a rare breed. I find it comforting to know I can post a question and have ten intelligent answers within an hour from people who have long experience with the breed. Rare Dog Breeds Estrela Mountain Dog and Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
If you would like more information on Estrela Mountain Dogs or Portuguese Podengo Pequenos, contact Margaret Boisture at Star Mountain Kennel. Margaret and her husband Bruce Boisture own six Estrela Mountain Dogs, three Portuguese Podengo Pequenos, and two Pyrenean Mountain Dogs.
When Margaret isn’t with her dogs (or talking about them) or traveling to dog shows, she can be found with the camera in her hand trying to photograph these beautiful creatures.
Margaret is the President of the PPCA. http://www.podengos.com
She is also a Troop leader for PupScouts – Doing good things in the community – http://www.pupscouts.org/
Visit http://starmountainkennel.com to learn more
Rare Dog Breeds Estrela Mountain Dog and Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Rare Dog Breeds Estrela Mountain Dog and Portuguese Podengo Pequeno