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The Male Estrela Mountain Dog and his Lion’s Mane

This is the season when the wonderful coats of the Estrela Mountain Dogs are at their best. The coats of all of our Estrela Mountain Dogs are wonderful. Bella with her gorgeous reddish-brown and long fans of hair, and a distinguished amount of gray on her muzzle since she turned one.  Izzy with her tan and black coat.  The boys with their “lions’ manes” and beautiful colors.  (StarMountain Oliver Twist, one of our Estrela Mountain Dog males, shows off his mane in the accompanying picture.) Each one a little different.  All of them with the famous Estrela Moutain Dog black mask. Can you tell I love my dogs?  I am so grateful to own these beautiful creatures.

The snow can be taxing on me but it lifts my New England spirits when I remember how much the Estrela Mountain Dogs love the snow and the chilly weather.  The Great Pyrenees are similar to the Estrelas in that way.  The combination of their wonderful coats and their strong character add to the Estrelas hardiness.  Our pups are lucky enough to enjoy the outdoors during the day and come inside at night.  In the winter they seem indifferent to this schedule but in the summer they tend to protest.  They like the cool nights.

Estrela Mountain Dog Lion's Mane