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Grooming Requirements for the Estela Mountain Dog

Our Female Estrela Mountain Dogs aka Serra da Estrela-79

Grooming Requirements for the Estrela Mountain Dog

There are two coat types for the Estrela Mountain Dog.  The Estelas can have either a long coat or short coat. We breed the long coat Estrela Mountain Dog.  As with other breeds, each coat type has different grooming requirements. The long coated Estrela Mountain Dogs have a dense undercoat, lying close to the body and usually of a lighter shade than the thick and slightly coarse top coat.  The short coated Estrelas still have a thick top coat and undercoat, but the hairs of the top coat are much shorter in length and not as dense. Common colors of Estrela Mountain Dogs include fawn (reddish brown), wolf gray and yellow. The coats may or may not have brindling and white markings.  The Estrela Mountain Dog should have a dark facial mask.

I find the grooming requirements of The Estrela Mountain Dog to be moderate.  Frequent brushing, paying close attention to behind the ears where knots can occur, is a must.  The Estrela Mountain Dog seldom needs a bath.  Our Estrelas love going to the groomers for an OCCASIONAL spa day.  The Estrela Mountain Dog requires no cutting or clipping other than the nails.

Beautiful a day in the yard-359