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  • We interrupt the regularly scheduled programming ..

    To talk about the Kentucky Derby!!! I know it's not a podengo derby or even remotely involving dogs but who doesn't love the race. I grew up riding horses. I would dream of being a jocky when I grew up. I never did jumps or races but... Here is the line up and odds as…

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  • Spirit of the Standard

    Last week I went to Portugal for a breed seminar. We talked Podengos for two days. The official name was "Portuguese Podengo International Breeders Seminar" and it was hosted in Veiros, Portugal by the a group of Hunters that are also judges and respected breeders. One thing that was said and really stuck into my…

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  • Happy National Purebred Dog Day

    By AKC Staff May 01, 2015 |   Why do I want a purebred dog? Because I want a puppy whose parents have been carefully selected for health—and who have gone through a series of genetic tests to ensure that the dog I get has the best possible chance of being healthy and well-adjusted. Because when…

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  • Check out our pups

    Follow the link to see some of our past puppies in their homes.  

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