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  • Happy National Purebred Dog Day

    By AKC Staff May 01, 2015 |   Why do I want a purebred dog? Because I want a puppy whose parents have been carefully selected for health—and who have gone through a series of genetic tests to ensure that the dog I get has the best possible chance of being healthy and well-adjusted. Because when…

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  • Nandihno – Wire Male

    Luis Casa de Maio de Viamonte -  otherwise known as Nandinho Nandinho is a beautiful example of a wire male Portuguese Podengo Pequeno. He has a gorgeous coat, wonderful temperament and great structure.  This boy can move! Bred by Casa de Maio ( Darlene Devaney ) and Viamonte (Miguel Sabino ) kennels. Father: Algodão de Viamonte Mother: Patricia…

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  • Puppies!!!

    Puppy pictures!!   This is the I Love Lucy Litter born on 3/17/2018 Parents Val and Dragao wire coat litter - So adorable  

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